Friday, April 15, 2011

More info from Singapore

The trip to Japan was the biggest challenge..., after 16hrs 32mins flight we had a GREAT TEST AND WE ALL PAST : )

Wait!!! The next one was 7hrs 20mins to Singapore lol

Ricardinho, Carlos (Zanata), Sagu, Fabio, Denison, Hewerton and coach Cabral having some STRONG COFFEE IN Japan

THE FOOD ON THE FLIGHT WAS JUST GREAT!!! Healthy and fresh. Everyone had a lot of space on the United 777-200 GIANT plane to sleep, eat well with great movies on board.

Let me get some sleep... We will meet for breakfast in 3hrs. LOCAL TIME NOW IS 4AM

Scrimmage/ exhibition game vs. the event organizers/ media at 4pm Singapore's time


Just arrived in Singapore for the International Tournament

Just arrived in Singapore after 28hrs of travelling!!! YES, we are done with planes, airports and movies lol GREAT FOOD ON THE FLIGHT!